380 trillion viruses

"It has been estimated that there are over 380 trillion viruses inhabiting us, a community collectively known as the human virome. But these viruses are not the dangerous ones you commonly hear about, like those that cause the flu or the common cold, or more sinister infections like Ebola or dengue. Many of these viruses infect the bacteria that live inside you and are known as bacteriophages, or phages for short. The human body is a breeding ground for phages, and despite their abundance, we have very little insight into what all they or any of the other viruses in the body are doing."

If anything the next person develops anti-bodies. The body fights diseases all the time. There are 380 trillion viruses in the body at any one time and the body fights them off. We are always passing diseases around.This is the first time in history that normal healthy functioning has been classified as being sick and that healthy people have been quarantined. And that is why less than 300 people in Israel have died over the last 4 months and their average age is 81 and at Shaarei Tzedeck hospital 95% of those who passed away had serious conditions and a year to live prior to the virus.

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