Vaccine Safety

Medical doctors who raise important questions about vaccine safety and believe either that vaccines in some or most cases are dangerous or that they have not been tested sufficiently to be declared as safe:

Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, MD, pediatrician (NYU, Residency, Mt. Sinai)
Dr. Richard Moskowitz, MD (AB Harvard, NYU)

Dr. Paul Thomas, MD, pediatrician (Dartmouth)
Dr. James Neuenschwander, MD, Emer. room physician, (U of Michigan)
Dr. Alvin Moss, MD, nephrologist (UPenn)
Dr. Suzanne Humphries, MDnephrologist (Temple)
Dr. Jon Poling, MD, PhD, neurologist, Georgia, (Res. Johns Hopkins)

Dr. Françoise Berthoud, MD, pediatrician, France
Dr. Peter Gotzche, MD, Danish physician, researcher, and author

Dr. Sing Hang Lee, MD (Faculty of McGill and Yale,1968-2004)
Dr. Robert Zajac, MD (U. of Minnesota)
Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD (U. of Chicago, instructor at Northwestern U. Med. School) 
Dr. Susan Cornelia Franz, MD, pediatrician, Orlando (Wake Forest, Res. U. of Florida)
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD (AB Brown, Cornell U.)
Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD, neurosurgeon (LSU)
Dr. Michael Elice, MD, pediatrician (Chicago Med. School, teaches at NYU and Albert Einstein) 
Dr. Robert Rowen, Family and Emergency Medicine (AB Johns Hopkins, U. of Cal, San Francisco)
Dr. Lee Hieb, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon (U. of Rochester) Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO
Dr. Robert Sears, MD
Dr. Gary Null
Dr. Rick Kirshner
Dr. Archivides Kaolokerinos, MD

Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, MD
Dr. Zach Bush, MD (Colorado, Virginia) 

Dr. Anthony Phan

Medical doctors who are vaccine advocates and assert that vaccines are either completely safe or are so rarely harmful that the benefits far outweigh any risks:

Dr. Paul Offit, MD
Dr. David Gorski, MD

Other types of doctors, PhDs, etc. who raise questions about vaccine safety or advocate personal choice:

Dr. Dale Brown, Chiropractor who discusses vaccines
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, (BS, MS, MEng, PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology ). He is a world renowned expert in personalized medicine and biomedical engineering.  Dr. Shiva's interviews about vaccine safety
Dr. Michael Master, DC, board-certified chiropractic neurologist 

Dr. Shannon Kroner, Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Andrew Moulden, MD, PhD, neuroscientist, Canada (McMaster, PhD uOttawa)

Dr. Rick Kirschner
Dr. James Lyons-Weilerthought leader in the area of complex analysis in biological systems
Dr. Brian Hooker, PhD
Dr. John Bergmann, DC
Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD Virologist

Attenuated vaccine
Randomized controlled trial
Vaccine shedding

Immortalised cell line
Diff. between serotype and genotype

multivalent vaccine

pol·y·va·lent vac·cine

a vaccine prepared from cultures of two or more strains of the same species or microorganism.
Synonym(s): multivalent vaccine

acellular vaccine

A vaccine composed of only those fragments of bacterial cells that are best suited to stimulating a strong immune response.

whole-cell vaccine

A vaccine composed of suspensions of whole bacterial cells that have been killed.

Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, MD, on vaccine safety:

"In 1983, when I started medical school, I was taught vaccines were safe and effective and give them, but I was not taught about any of the science around their safety or any of the studies around how safety were done. And it wasn't until 1998, that a mother came up to me and said “Dr. Larry, did you know there's mercury in vaccines?" And I said, "No, I did not." And as a medical student I was trained to critically think. If you see an observation you go after it and try to figure out if there's a question to ask. So instead of just ignoring it, I looked further into the vaccine ingredients. And I found that there were a number of vaccine ingredients that in animal studies were proven to be very dangerous to animals and I didn't understand why these same ingredients were actually in vaccines. I was starting to hear stories from parents, not dozens, not hundreds, but thousands of stories from parents who took a very healthy child into their doctor's office and then found that their child lost much of their health whether it was their speech, whether it was seizures, whether it was death, whether it was asthma, allergies, eczema, whether it was autism, whether it was learning disabilities, whether it was inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune diseases. And every one of those parents were told it had nothing to do with the vaccine, every single one. And this continues today. But yet, when I look at the ingredients that are in the vaccines, I have the science to actually explain how these medical problems could be happening in these children. Today 1 child in 5 is learning disabled. In 1976, it was 1 in 17. 1 in 6 under age 8, 1 in 2 adolescents, and 1 in 4 young adults is diagnosed with a mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder. 1 in 20 children under the age of 5 have seizures. 1 child in 40 develops autism. The number of cases of children and adults with autoimmune diseases is rising exponentially. It's one of the highest rising diseases in this country. And the vaccine ingredients, if you are willing to look at them and understand how they work when they are injected into the body, can be seen to be responsible for every single one of these cases.

"So, what are these ingredients? Well, when I was in medical school, we were taught that the body has something called the blood-brain barrier. The blood-brain barrier is like Fort Knox to the brain. Elements of the blood stream cannot get into the brain. And those elements include drugs, viruses, and bacteria, among other things that are in the blood. Drug companies were very concerned about being able to develop drugs to get the drugs into the brain. And so, they used something called a nanoparticle - nanoparticle, very small particle bound to the drug. And they found that if they could put a nanoparticle onto a drug, they could get that drug to go into the brain. And it shows in animal studies that they were able to do this. They then were able to take an emulsifier which is something that's good with water and fat, it can dissolve in both, and if they added the emulsifier to the nanoparticle bound to the drug they could increase drug entry into the brain twenty-fold. This is right out of animal studies that I have found. So you have a drug, you have a nanoparticle, and you have this emulsifier. The vaccines are constructed the same way. You have the vaccine viruses and bacteria that are bound to a nanoparticle called aluminum. And that aluminum is a nanoparticle. And by definition, a nanoparticle has the potential to enter the brain. Most vaccines also contain polysorbate 80 or sorbitol. Both of those compounds are emulsifiers. Emulsifiers bind very tightly to the nanoparticle aluminum which is bound very tightly to the vaccine antigens.

“This raises a question: if the vaccine model is the same model as the model that the drug companies are using to enhance the delivery of drugs into the brain, is it possible that vaccine ingredients are making their way into the brain of our children that could explain why so many parents are watching their kids deteriorate after vaccinations even though the doctors, the media, and the government say “absolutely no connection,” even though the science suggests that there is. You cannot find a single study in the literature that addresses whether the injection of aluminum into the body penetrates the brain, whether any vaccine ingredients enter the brain, and whether polysorbate 80 enhances the delivery of any of those ingredients into the brain. And when I could not find those studies I was concerned. Because I am told, you are told, vaccines are safe. They are evaluated and very, very distinctly tested for safety. But yet, you cannot find a study that says does aluminum get into the brain of children, does aluminum take other vaccine ingredients into the brain that don’t belong in the brain. Because when ingredients get across the blood brain barrier that don’t belong in the brain, they cause inflammation. And inflammation is what we see in 1 in 5 children with learning disabilities and 1 in 40 children with autism. All you have to do is ask the guidance counselors and if you get honest pediatricians who are telling you what they are seeing in their practice, they are seeing kids one after another with more and more brain disorders.

“Now, as a medical doctor, who was taught to think and then went into the literature, and said, are proper science studies done, safety studies, where you take a vaccine and you inject it into 100 kids, and then you give 100 kids a saline placebo, meaning it’s inert - no study exists to actually evaluate the safety of a vaccine compared to a placebo group. None. When vaccines are studied, the maximum amount of days that vaccines are studied are up to 10 days to two weeks. And unfortunately, the vaccine manufacturers preselect what side effects that they will allow to be associated with the vaccines. So if a child has a vaccine reaction that is associated with the vaccine, the vaccine manufacturers will decide whether or not it should or should not be associated with the vaccine. And the public knows this and they are learning it more and more. So if your child develops seizures 5 months after a vaccine, your child is told by the doctor it had nothing to do with the vaccine. But that’s not true, because there are no studies to prove it. There is opinion. But there’s never been a study really addressing whether a vaccination at two months or even 9 hours of age could be related to an event that happened months or even years later. And yet, we have some of the sickest children in our country.  

“In New York we lost the religious exemption on June 13th because the unvaccinated children with a religious exemption were blamed for a measles outbreak. When I met with representatives in New York, I told them that there is no study to prove that unvaccinated children have ever been proven to start an epidemic. And he (one of the representatives) was surprised and he said I will vote against removing the religious exemption if I can't find a study like you say. He could not find a study, but he voted to repeal the exemption anyway. Because there are no studies, there are no studies proving that unvaccinated children are responsible. There's consensus and here's why there's consensus. We are taught that vaccines stop the children from carrying the germs that we are vaccinating against. And study after study shows that children who are vaccinated can still carry the germ despite having received the vaccine. So the vaccinated are still capable of spreading disease, but the unvaccinated are being unfairly blamed because of a consensus opinion but not true science. To repeat, no study, no science has ever proven that vaccines eliminate the existence of the organism in your body. If anything, science is showing that the vaccines cause the organisms to mutate. And there are plenty of articles showing that strains are replaced by new strains after vaccinations similarly to the way antibiotics are bringing about new strains of bacteria because of the overuse of antibiotics.

“So why are we blaming the unvaccinated children? No study has ever been done in this country appropriately to address the health outcomes of children who were vaccinated versus the children who were unvaccinated. I have been seeing families in my practice for over 20 years that have opted out of vaccination. They are the healthiest children I have ever seen. I have families who have older children who have been vaccinated, middle children who have been partially vaccinated, and then younger children who have not been vaccinated at all. And those families are rising in number and they see the difference between the health outcomes of their younger children who are rarely sick versus their older children who are getting I.E.P.’s in schools [Individualized Educational Program], needing medications, ER’s, and constant health issues. And all I get when I state something like that is well that’s anecdotal. Well, it’s anecdotal if you see it a couple of times but it’s not anecdotal when you see it for over 20 years and when you speak to parents and when you speak to teachers and when you speak to guidance counselors. And when I speak to pediatricians who are too afraid to come out in public. There is pressure to ostracize the families who know the science and know the lack of science that is available. There’s a lot of consensus. And when I think about the subject of vaccination, I want to ensure that if we are going to prevent infectious diseases in children, that we don’t create something worse in its place. Unfortunately, we’re dealing with a lot of beliefs instead of actual science and beliefs go a long way. I took the oath of first do no harm, but when I look into the science and I don’t see long term studies and I see only short term studies up to 4 to 10 days where the side effects are manipulated by the manufacturers who are the only ones doing the studies on the vaccines, and when I see no placebo groups and I see no studies of the single ingredients or the combined ingredients and I see the science, the biochemistry of the ingredients in animal studies where animals who are given the aluminum are found to have motor delays and behavior problems which is a great deal of what we are seeing in children today, I say are we first doing no harm? And so, first do no harm means the precautionary principle. And more and more parents are understanding the dangers of vaccines, and that’s why we are seeing such pressure to mandate vaccines because more of the science is coming out.

“In order to create herd immunity, you have to be able to prove that children who are vaccinated are immune. And the sad part about that is that whenever you vaccinate a population of children, you are always gonna have a population that doesn’t develop any antibodies at all. The estimates of that are about 10%. That vaccines will fail in 10% of the population. Vaccination, no antibody production. But the next group is even more suspicious. Because when you vaccinate and you do produce an antibody, there is science to show that the presence of an antibody doesn’t guarantee immunity either. And we don’t know the percentage of children who get a vaccine, develop an antibody but aren’t immune at all. We assume that if we vaccinate, we are getting protection. We assume that if we vaccinate, we are stopping spread of disease. Those are assumptions that have never been solidified in science. And I’m happy to offer more explanations during the Q and A. I wouldn’t say that if I didn’t have the science to prove it.

“The parents that I work with in New York, that I see around the country, are very concerned that their rights are being taken away, that their knowledge about the science is being pushed away by an agenda that only says unvaccinated children are a problem. Just to wrap up, in New York when we had the measles outbreak, I’m sorry in California when they had a measles outbreak, there were 194 cases. Of the 194 cases, 73 cases were due to the actual virus in the vaccine itself. 73, 38 percent. 73 cases were due to the measles virus causing measles.  All the literature states that measles virus infection is not true measles and should not be counted as a health threat. That means only 121 kids developed measles, 121 people. New York State did not do the proper testing that’s given down by the CDC to test every child to see if the children had measles strain, wild type measles, or a mutated measles. There are cases around the country and around the world where in a 95 to 98% vaccinated population they had measles outbreaks because they found mutated viruses. As I said before, there are cases where the virus mutates, where there are strain replacements.  New York State did not do the proper testing of the 1,000 plus young children and adults who came down with measles. They wrote a little blurb on the CDC website of the two wild viruses that were responsible for the measles outbreak, but we in New York know that the testing was not done. 4,200 kids on Long Island had the religious exemption and were not vaccinated and there was not one case of measles on Long Island. Thank you.”

Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, MD, a board-certified pediatrician with 31 years of experience as a physician, testifying at the Legislative Informational Forum, an informational forum on the science behind vaccines at the Connecticut state Capitol. Dr. Palevsky who is licensed to practice medicine in New York State, earned his medical degree in 1987 from the New York University School of Medicine, one of the top medical schools in the world. He completed a three-year pediatric residency at The Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC in 1990 and served as a pediatric fellow in the ambulatory care out-patient department at Bellevue Hospital, NYC, from 1990-1991. Since 1991, his clinical experience includes working in pediatric emergency and intensive care medicine, in-patient, and out-patient pediatric medicine, neonatal intensive care medicine, newborn and delivery room medicine, and conventional, holistic and integrative pediatric private practice. He received his pediatric board certification in 1990, and passed his pediatric board recertification exams in 1997, 2004, and 2011.

Dr. Palevsky's View Point On Measles Vaccine


Dr. Alvin Moss MD, a nephrologist (kidney doctor), a professor of medicine at the West Virginia school of medicine who has taught medical ethics, says vaccine court has been paying out $200 million a year to people injured by vaccines. He notes that the vaccine makers don't pay this money. Vaccine makers cannot be sued. Says he knows a dozen cases of kids who were hurt seriously by vaccines. Says parents should have a choice. Says flu vaccine in one year protected only 19% of people but has caused serious injuries. Says there's a problem with integrity at the CDC (Center for Disease Control). References a doctor in California who decided not to recommend that patients vaccinate and the medical board in California might take away his license. Thus, more doctors would come forward but are intimidated.

VaxXed Tour: Brave Dr. Moss in West Virginia
Article about his testimony before the US Senate
Dr. Suzanne Humphries is a nephrologist (kidney doctor)


She points out that Lester, England was highly vaccinated but was still experiencing a high rate of small pox. They stopped vaccinating, despite threats that they would destroy the world, but the rate of small pox decreased. In fact, when small pox was eradicated, a small percentage of the world was vaccinating. However, during that time, sewage systems were being installed all over the world and this is the main reason that small pox was substantially reduced. Less germs were being transmitted. The reason she describes pox as being reduced and not eliminated as the corporate press tends to describe it is because there are other forms of pox, like monkey pox, that are still out there.

She also discussed several other diseases whose incidence started rapidly decreasing before the vaccine for it was introduced. For example, tetanus (Canada). The disease was on a rapid decline for 50 years before the vaccine was introduced. Graphs are similar for the USA and the UK.

She points out that an essential problem with the basic method vaccines is that it introduces a disease in a manner different from how a disease normally enters the body. For example, measles is inhaled but the vaccine is injected directly into the bloodstream so the body's response to the injection is different than it is when it builds a natural resistance. And then of course the vaccine contains all kinds of other chemicals (mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde.

She says also that proper studies are not really being done on vaccines. A true blind study would take half a population of vaccinated and half not. However, the great majority of people have been vaccinated. Most of the time when studies compare vaccinated to not vaccinated the non-vaccinated have been received most vaccinations but might be missing one of them.

"I say nobody has proven to me that they are safe, that I have scientific reason to believe that the components that are in them, and how they act upon the immune system and the potential for autoimmunity and cancers and neurologic diseases is there, and so I cannot say, guarantee that these vaccines are safe, not even one of them, let alone numerous vaccines in the childhood vaccination program given earlier and earlier and more and more."
She also commented on the startling aggressiveness of many people with regard to getting vaccinations. They tend not to want you to hear the other side.

"And what you might notice if you have been in the middle of this problem yourself is that the people who want to vaccinate are often very aggressive, and they don't want you to hear the other side. And that should make a light-bulb in your head go off, why don't they want me to hear the other side, why don't they think I can actually listen to both and come up with my own decision. See I will never tell you not to vaccinate, but they will always tell you to vaccinate for everything. That alone I believe should be a red flag to you. That I'm saying you listen to everything and then you choose. What you do is your responsibility. And that's not what the people who are supporting this aggression vaccination campaign, more and more vaccines all the time for little babies (are doing)." 
Her website.

This is a rational person, an educated person. She is a medical doctor. She is a scientist. The image that anybody who questions vaccines is a nut, is ignorant, is just listening to propaganda is itself propaganda. This woman is incredibly well informed and experienced. She is a doctor. Her arguments are very strong.



Sin Hang Lee, M.D. graduated from Wuhan Medical College in China. After a residency-fellowship at Cornell-New York Hospital and Memorial Hospital for Cancer, Dr. Lee was certified by the American Board of Pathology and obtained the F.R.C.P. (C) degree by examination in 1966. He was on the faculty of McGill University and Yale University from 1968-2004 while practicing hospital-based pathology. Dr. Lee is currently the director of Milford Molecular Diagnostics, Milford, Connecticut. In the past 10 years, Dr. Lee has developed Sanger sequencing-based testing methods for HPV, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Lyme disease borreliae and Ebolavirus implementable in community hospitals. 

He says that there no evidence the HPV vaccine has prevented any cervical cancer, yet it is more dangerous than other vaccines. He said, "all vaccines are dangerous but this one in particular is more dangerous."

International Conference on Cytopathology


Richard Moskowitz, M.D. has been a licensed physician since 1967. He received is B.A. from Harvard in 1959, Phi Beta Kappa, Cum Laude in General Studies (Biochemical Sciences). He received his M.D. from New York University in 1963. After finishing a Graduate Fellowship in Philosophy at the University of Colorado, he completed his internship at St. Anthony’s Hospital in Denver.

the OpenVAERS Project

VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990. It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1%* of vaccine injuries. OpenVAERS is built from the HHS data available for download at There are  over 755,000 complaints listed as of December 14, 2019.

OpenVAERS allows browsing and filtering of the reports without the need to compose an advanced search (this can be done at The filters can be used singly or combined. You will notice that the only date filter is the Report Received. There are 6 date fields in the VAERS records system (Received, Report, Date Died, Vaccine, Onset, and Today). Only the Received Date appears to be required. Many reports do not have Vaccinated(106,829) or Onset Dates(151,110). When searching by dates in HHS you will always have an under-reporting of injury due to this. Additionally, many reports are filed months or years after the injury so if you search by Report Received your date data will not line up with other historic events (for example, the introduction of a vaccine).


Examples of "live" (example attenuated) vaccines include:



Dartmouth Medical School and completed is pediatric residency at the University of California, San Diego.

Dr. Paul is a board-certified fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. He is also board-certified in Integrative and Holistic Medicine. He is also a diplomate of the American Board of Addiction Medicine.

"Some people say I'm pro-vaccine. Some people say I'm anti-vaccine. I'm pro informed consent. I'm in favor of medical freedom. There is no one size fits all vaccine schedule …. It's all about knowing kids' risk factors and selectively vaccinating appropriately for that child and that family's risk factors." Dr. Paul Thomas MD, board-certified fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and diplomate of the American Board of Addiction Medicine., MD from Dartmouth Medical School, pediatric residency at the University of California, San Diego, over 13,000 patients and 30 years of experience. 

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