What killed him?

Boy gets flu shot, gets flu, gets Tamiflu flu medicine, appears to have negative reaction to it. Dies.


"Niagara Falls turned orange on the night of Jan. 18 with spotlights the favorite color of an 11-year-old local boy who died from influenza A—despite having been in excellent health, getting a flu shot, and receiving prompt, best-of-the-best medical care."

"That Monday morning, he was clearly ill and his parents took him along with his younger sisters—aged 9 years and 3 months—to their longtime pediatrician. All three children tested positive for influenza A. The doctor prescribed Tamiflu, along with Gatorade and lots of water.
That Tuesday, Luca awoke with his face slightly swollen. His parents took him back to the doctor, who determined that he otherwise seemed fine and suggested it may have been an allergic reaction to the Tamiflu. He returned home and there still seemed no cause for worry as the father flew off on a work trip."

"At 1:44 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 11—a week after that basketball game when he had seemed exactly himself, six days after that uncharacteristic nap, and five days after he first was ill enough to be taken to a doctor—Luca was pronounced dead."

What killed him? Was it the flu, the flu vaccine which may have given him the flu, or Tamiflu?

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