Back in the day before journalism was taken over by corporate interests
Runny noses and global dictatorship
I'm sure you have heard the expression 'snot nosed kid.' The expression comes from most little kids having runny noses throughout much of their days as toddlers. So a question: Why do little kids have runny noses so much of the time? Answer: Because they have not yet developed immunity to common colds and viruses.
Through the miracle of God's creation, the human body develops immunity to countless diseases. As we go through childhood and become adults, our immunity gets stronger. You have in your body trillions of viruses at any one time. Your body fights them off. It's amazing.
This is why, explains Dr. Scott Atlas, MD, of Stanford University, that you don't want to limit exposure to viruses that do not sicken 99% of the public. Just the opposite, you want them exposed so that they develop immunity and are therefore unable to spread the disease to the people who are affected by it. In the case of SARS-COVID2, the ones who can be affected are nearly entirely octogenarians and people whose bodies are already seriously weakened by serious illnesses like cancer. Not all of them are affected but enough that there's a concern. For a small percentage of them, death can occur.
“But there’s a more fundamental point that I want to make sure have time to address and that is this idea that somehow has evolved that we must stop cases. That was never the policy, that should never be the policy when you have an infection that 99% of people have no problem with. It’s no big deal if low risk people get the infection. It’s really irrational to somehow keep apart healthy younger people, to insist that they should wear a mask, or that there should be some limit in restaurants. If you are high risk, you are high risk. But the most recent data shows that the infection fatality rate for people under 70 is 0.04%. That’s one-one hundredth of the original number. And what that means is for people under 70 years old your infection fatality rate is less than or equal to seasonal flu. If people want to shut down things because of that kind of risk then we better shut down all the schools and restaurants during November through April [every year] because that’s the flu season." (Dr. Scott Atlas, MD, Interview on Drive in with The Morning Ritual with Garret Lewis, June 26, 2020. 6:18-11:21)
Some people think lockdowns and masks protect the vulnerable. Actually, when engaged in by young healthy people, those measures endanger the vulnerable.
Counts of people with the virus do not signify a pandemic. Such counts really are only telling us that immunity is being developed. If people are not getting sick, then there's no pandemic. It's just bodies developing immunity as they normally do.
We should note that tests are not reliable. They only detect fragments of the virus genome and do not give us accurate counts of people with the virus. Additionally, there has been lots of double counting. If a person takes three tests that indicate having the virus, they count that as three people with the virus. Also there have been many false positives. This week, the Ohio governor tested POSITIVE for COVID-19. Ten hours later, he tested NEGATIVE for COVID-19.
Counts of the seriously ill are more meaningful; although most of the seriously ill were already seriously ill with other afflictions such as cancer. In Israel, the count is very low. It's been around 350 for months and never higher than that. In the months since lockdowns ended, the number has not moved much. And it is not meaningfully different in areas where people are not careful about masks.
Counts of mortalities are meaningful of course too. But the problem there is that most of the so-called COVID deaths have had comorbidities. This means the people who died had all kinds of other illnesses that were in most cases the significant cause of death. In America, death certificates are showing COVID when they have no business doing so, even in cases of people who have died in motorcycle accidents and from gunshots. Hospitals get paid more by Medicare when they list a death as COVID. Moreover, doctors are encouraged and instructed to add COVID to death reports.
Therefore, the most meaningful statistic for signifying a pandemic is death count compared to prior periods. In Israel, the count for June and July was lower this year than last. In New Jersey, the count was 1% lower in June and July of this year than in 2018 and only 1.3% higher than 2019. That is not a pandemic.
June/July deaths in NJ 2018: 11,986
June/July deaths in NJ 2019: 11,734
June/July deaths in NJ 2020: 11,881
And in the USA as a whole:
According to the CDC, through the end of July the average number of total deaths in the United States per day was 7,434 this year. In 2017 there were an average of more than 7,700 deaths per day in the United States. Where is the major increase in COVID-19 related death?
This is not a pandemic, not a magefa. So why does the media and why do government officials keep telling us the sky is falling? Why in Israel do they keep threatening another lockdown? Why in America do they keep talking about vaccines and mandatory vaccines? Why has the state of Victoria in Australia gone full on fascistic? They have had 162 deaths in Victoria (247 in the entire country) and the police there are beating women and invading people's homes without warrants. Why are they limiting the development of herd immunity? Why are they destroying the economy? Why are they causing such havoc on people's lives?
Is it greed? Do the pharmaceutical companies plan to make billions by providing vaccines to billions of people? It is well known that the pharmaceutical companies have an enormous hold on the medical industry as well as government agencies whose executives often take high paying jobs in pharm. companies after leaving government.
Moreover, a third of the funding for the Food and Drug Administration comes from drug companies.
What is this reference to HCQ? That's an abbreviation for Hydroxychloroquine, a medicine that many physicians claim to be a good remedy for SARS-COVID2. Yet, strangely, much of the mass media, particularly the leftist media (the ones who keep promoting civil unrest and the BLM movement), regularly censors doctors who recommend it.
Recently, a group of doctors held a press conference in front of the US Supreme Court building to talk about their positive findings with the drug. Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Facebook removed video of the press conference from thousands of tweets and posts. What's more the removal seemed to be coordinated.
See them wearing doctors' coats. They are physicians. Why would they be censored? If they don't have a right to speak about medicine, who does? These are medical doctors. They are credible voices by conventional standards.
Many doctors are concerned with the so-called fact checking on the social media behemoths.
Dr. Samadi (also here) is a Persian Jew, originally from Iran. He has an M.D. from the Montefiore Medical Center and was the former Chairman of Urology and Chief of Robotic Surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital.
Here are more doctors talking about HCQ -- Adnan Munkarah and Steven Kalkanis. Dr. Munkarah works as the chief clinical officer of the Henry Ford Health System, and Dr. Kalkanis works as the chief academic officer. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Corona Czar, publicly attacked a recent positive study about HCQ published by the Henry Ford Health System, prompting these two leading doctors of the study to publish an “Open Letter” refuting him.
"We want to point out that scientific debate is a common occurrence with almost every published study. In part, this is what fuels the advancement of knowledge – challenging one another on our assumptions, conclusions and applications to get to a better place for the patients we collectively serve. You can read the original study here and the senior author’s letter to the editor here.
"Unfortunately, the political climate that has persisted has made any objective discussion about this drug impossible, and we are deeply saddened by this turn of events. Our goal as scientists has solely been to report validated findings and allow the science to speak for itself, regardless of political considerations.
"To that end, we have made the heartfelt decision to have no further comment about this outside the medical community – staying focused on our core mission in the interest of our patients, our community, and our commitment to clinical and academic integrity." (Full letter here.)
Here are more.
Here's another. Harvey Risch, M.D., Ph.D., is a professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health. Read his article: Hydroxychloroquine works in high-risk patients, and saying otherwise is dangerous.
In this article. Dr. Risch tells us how Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Corona Czar for the USA attacked him for his views on HCQ. There are many reports of Fauci attacking people over the years. My personal opinion is that the man is a sociopath. He also reportedly was the chief proponent, or one of them, for the Congressional law exempting pharmaceutical companies for liability on vaccine injury. Yes, in case you didn't know, vaccines are a liability free product. I don't know if you ever worked for a corporation, but I have. The major concern in any place I ever worked was profit. They followed the law and morality only to the extent that they were forced to. If there was no enforceable law or external pressure preventing them from doing something profitable, they did it.
Dr. Risch: "To date, there are no studies whatsoever, published or in pre-print, that provide scientific evidence against the treatment approach for high-risk outpatients that I have described. None. Assertions to the contrary, whether by Fauci, the FDA, or anyone else, are without foundation. They constitute misleading and toxic disinformation."
"The first thing to understand is that COVID-19 has two main stages. At the first stage, it is a flu-like illness. That illness will not kill you. If you are a high-risk patient and begin treatment immediately, you will almost certainly be done with it in a few days. When not treated, high-risk patients may progress. The virus then causes severe pneumonia and attacks many organs, including the heart. In this second stage, hydroxychloroquine is not effective."
So why condemn a drug that has not been found by any studies to be a problem? Why all this censorship about HCQ? Why withhold a drug that doctors tell us can save many lives? Answer: because some big powerful people want you to take the vaccine. It appears, they want it so badly they are willing to let people die.
Dr. Risch: "Further, it seems quite possible that the FDA, a third of whose funding comes from drug companies, is under intense pressure from those companies to be extremely conservative in its handling of hydroxychloroquine. If hydroxychloroquine is used widely and comes to be recognized as highly effective, the markets for expensive and patented COVID-19 medications, including intravenous drugs that can only be used in the hospital, will shrink substantially."
Here's another MD who has talked favorably about HCQ.
Yes, Dr. Fauci, the same one who now wants HCQ to go away, the same one who attacks anyone who advocates for it. That's the same man who originally said masks do no good but now wants you to wear them. By the way, Fauci is considered by some as being responsible for causing deaths by promoting problematic medicines during the AIDS epidemic and has huge personal financial investments in vaccines. One scientist says he killed a million people this way.
When your government gives you mandates about medical matters, it's the medical officials doing it, the same officials who often make millions as Big Pharm execs. Your Congress people and members of Knesset are following the lead of the medical officials. This is not to say they are following the lead of medical experts because, in the case of COVID-19, many medical experts oppose the lockdowns. I'm talking about Nobel Prize winners, top scientists, world famous experts who think Dr. Fauci is off base or even dangerous. The media generally is silencing them.Yet, there many courageous experts trying to stop the madness. A few names of many:
John Ioannidis, Stanford Jayanta Bhattacharya, Stanford Scott Atlas, Stanford Michael Levitt, Stanford James Fowler, UCSF David Katz, YaleThe first guy on the list Professor Ioannidies is widely considered one of the ten most respected scientists in the world! Yet, we are not seeing him interviewed on main stream media; although Dr. Atlas is now part of President Trump's taskforce.
John P.A. Ioannidis, Professor of Medicine, of Epidemiology and Population Health, and of Biomedical Data Science, and of Statistics; Stanford University. According to the Atlantic, “may be one of the most influential scientists alive”. According to the Einstein Foundation in Berlin, one of the world’s ten most cited scientists.
Here are some of his statements:
“COVID-19 has become a notifiable disease so it is readily recorded in death certificates. What we do know, however, is that the vast majority of people who die with a COVID-19 label have at least one and typically many other comorbidities. This means that often they have other reasons that would lead them to death. The relative contribution of COVID-19 needs very careful audit and evaluation of medical records.”
“In terms of numbers of lives lost, so far the COVID-19 impact is about 1% of the 1918 influenza. In terms of quality-adjusted person-years lost, the impact of COVID-19 is about 0.1% of 1918 influenza, since the 1918 influenza killed mostly young healthy people (average age 28), while the average age of death with COVID-19 is 80 years, with several comorbidities.”
“The predictions of most mathematical models in terms of how many beds and how many ICU beds would be required were astronomically wrong. Indeed, the health system was not overrun in any location in the USA, although several hospitals were stressed. Conversely, the health care system was severely damaged in many places because of the measures taken.”
Regarding comments he made in March about the effect of lockdowns: “I feel extremely sad that my predictions were verified. ‘Major consequences on the economy, society and mental health’ have already occurred. I hope they are reversible, and this depends to a large extent on whether we can avoid prolonging the draconian lockdowns and manage to deal with COVID-19 in a smart, precision-risk targeted approach, rather than blindly shutting down everything… Globally, the lockdown measures have increased the number of people at risk of starvation to 1.1 billion, and they are putting at risk millions of lives.” [Interview with the Greek Reporter, reported June 27, 2020]
And here's Dr. Levitt. He's a Nobel Prize winner:
You are not hearing this point of view on CNN or the New York Times. So what the heck is going on? Some say, something much more sinister is at play. What is that? Hold on to your hats. It's a theory but it's worth hearing about it for the evidence to its veracity mounts every day. It's that for 50 years at least, maybe hundreds, maybe more, a secretive group called the New World Order has been plotting to take over the world and install a dictatorship. No Orthodox Jew should laugh at that. We know all about Nimrod and Nebuchadnezzar and Haman and Hitler. We know too well about evil people and their lust to rule the world. Nobody who knows Jewish history should laugh when told that there are people who want to take over the world for sinister purpose and will let nothing stand in their way. There are people who want to exterminate other people. Anybody who denies that has got to be a Holocaust denier too because the Third Reich started as a conspiracy. So did the Communist revolution. With Moshiach so close at end, it sort of makes sense that a plot such as this could seriously threaten the Jewish people and the world. It's setting the stage for Moshiach.
And so it goes, these people have been tearing down society for a century, spreading decadence everywhere, baiting race war, and setting up the economy for a meltdown. How were abortion, promiscuity, radical feminism, homosexuality, and now - gasp - transsexuality once considered dangerous and sinful but are now popularly accepted? Did this just happen? Actually, elements of the government as well as private foundations have been funding these movements for decades. Feminist Gloria Steinman admitted on video that she received funds from the CIA. Each of these topics is a long discussion, but again for the Orthodox Jewish audience I shouldn't have to explain that there are very evil people out there.
How does COVID fit in? Well it's this. COVID is a disease that possibly was manipulated in a lab with the intention of spreading it to humanity. When Bill Gates said some years back that a pandemic was on the horizon, he knew what he was talking about because he was involved in creating it.
The plan is to terrify everyone into taking a vaccine that contains within it a microchip through which the new masters can control the ones it doesn't kill. All of your finances will be in there and if you don't behave according to their atheistic, satanic rules they shut off your money. Also, they can follow you around and even zap you with all kinds of nasty high tech lasers and energies. Once that chip is inside you, you are at their mercy. It's like when police get handcuffs on people. Once the cuffs are on, a person is helpless.
This would help to explain another strange phenomena, which is the apparent murder of more than a 100 holistic health practitioners.
The argument is that if the NWO plans to implant microchips via vaccines to control humanity then the holistic health people, who often oppose or question vaccines, are in the way.
More than 100 holistic health doctors have been murdered in recent years, another two this week:
A West Columbia, South Carolina chiropractor and his longtime partner were both found deceased in their home on July 21, 2020.
According to the local news, Dr. James Greg Bonham, 63, was a respected member of the Irmo area of Lexington County. He and his longtime companion Lisa Marie McCartha, 46, were both found deceased in their home. Their bodies were discovered after McCartha’s sister got concerned when she and her mother were unable to reach McCartha for almost a week, which was very unusual.
As of 2016, more than 100 had been killed.
Unintended Holistic Doctor Death Series: Over 100 Dead
Posted by Erin Elizabeth | Mar 13, 2016
Note from Erin: I know many of you are here because Nipsey Hussle, may he rest in peace, was gunned down in broad daylight in Los Angeles at the age of 33. He was making a documentary (which he talked about a lot) about Dr. Sebi, who is on our list. He also spoke about our holistic doctor death series publicly.
June 19, 2015, Father’s Day
On Father’s Day, one year ago, the beloved Jeffrey Bradstreet was found dead in a river with a gunshot wound to his chest.
I was honored to do the first interview with the Bradstreet family, from Boston, and commend them for their bravery as they search for answers. They’ve hired private investigators and “want to get to the bottom of this”. Their investigators have concluded that Jeffrey Bradstreet didn’t commit suicide. He was murdered—without a doubt.
Read full article here:
and here: and here:
It's all about the microchips. Sounds crazy I know. But it is a reasonable explanation.
Now read this news;
The Frequency Committee at the Communications Office approved civilian use of frequencies 915-917 MHz.
Meaning: Permission to make commercial use of RFID chips, following Europe and the US.
What's the matter?
RFID - (acronym for Radio Frequency Identification) is a technology of tiny radio chips capable of transmitting to electronic readers in a short range of a few meters (at frequencies approved in the country) via radio waves.
In this technology, which is supposed to replace personal identification cards and barcodes, every tiny chip contains information, and is used to identify and locate objects and animals. Along with their technological advantage, the use of the chips and the information stored in them aroused criticism and concern about invasion of privacy .
There are two types of RFID chips on the market: active and passive. The active chips independently transmit the information to the computer that receives them. The passive chips store the information but do not transmit information without an external power source of the electronic reader.
RFID chips are used worldwide among military units, shipping companies, factories, department stores, airports and private consumers. The U.S. government has recently begun gradually incorporating RFID chips into passports. Apple and Nike market shoes that use this chip to transmit information about running from the shoe to the iPod.
The IDF began several months ago several tests to test the use of RFID for the purpose of optimizing the logistics services and supply chain. The communication frequencies approved will allow the passive RFID chips to be read in the range of 3 to 7 meters. The RFID chips can be read in the range of up to 100 meters .
Israeli government Begins Tracking And Texting Those Possibly Exposed To The Coronavirus
March 19, 2020
6:18 PM ET
Oded Balilty/AP
Hundreds were startled Wednesday by an unsolicited text message.
"Hello. According to an epidemiological investigation," it began, addressing each recipient by name. "You were near someone sick with the coronavirus. You must immediately isolate at home [14 days] to protect your relatives and the public. ... This information will be used only for this purpose and will be erased when no longer needed. Sincerely, public health services."
It's part of a sweeping new program. Netanyahu ordered the Shin Bet domestic spy agency, usually tasked with monitoring extremists, to launch the cellphone surveillance. It locates people who could have the virus and messages them.
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Meanwhile, late Thursday the "Supreme Court" stopped the police from using the data to enforce quarantines, which it had started doing. The court also said it could scrap the program unless it goes through parliament or if the country is put on a total lockdown.
The court order appeared to be written before the government required people to stay at home, with some exceptions, late Thursday. It's unclear how that will affect the future of the surveillance program.
With more than 600 cases and tens of thousands quarantined, the country has closed all schools, restaurants and entertainment venues.
The moves come as Netanyahu struggles to stay in power after an election March 2, which has so far failed to produce a winner. The opposition leader is trying to gather the votes in parliament to unseat him.
Small protests broke out Thursday — in defiance of emergency rules against gatherings — after the speaker of the parliament, a Netanyahu ally, shut down the chamber until next week. Police broke up the crowds.
The phone surveillance has added to the fears among some about the country's democracy.
"Big Brother is here," wrote Omer, a young father, on Facebook, minutes after he received a text message that he'd been close to a virus carrier the previous week.
"I guess I can understand why they're doing it," he said in an interview, withholding his last name due to, well, privacy concerns. "But it makes you think what other private personal information they have access to, and if it's being used in the appropriate way."
Michal Rudnik, 22, was recently driving her ill 20-year-old brother to the doctor when a police car pulled up next to her at a gas station in the southern Israeli town of Meitar. She was driving her father's car, and her parents are in quarantine after returning from a trip to London.
"The policeman asked me, 'Who is in the back seat?' So I said, 'It's my brother.' And he said, 'OK, I thought it was your father, who's supposed to be in quarantine.' And I was like, 'No, no, it's my brother.' "
She said the officer followed up by naming her father and asking if he was sticking to the quarantine. "I was in shock," Rudnik said. "I guess in a way it's also the right thing to do, but it wasn't a good feeling."
The country's Health Ministry had already been publicizing the dates and times people with the virus had visited any locations, based on interviews. Now, officials use cellphone tracking going back two weeks and send the text messages to people who crossed paths with the virus.
Netanyahu's Cabinet approved the surveillance measures in the middle of the night Monday, circumventing a parliamentary oversight committee still debating whether they were justified.
The Israeli Association of Public Health Physicians said a lack of transparency about the surveillance program hurt public trust. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel was among several groups that petitioned Israel's Supreme Court Thursday to demand an end to the surveillance program.
"I think that people in Israel in general are willing to limit their right of privacy to combat terrorism — Palestinians or other enemies," said Gil Gan-Mor, an attorney with the civil rights group. "Now people find out that the Shin Bet and the police know exactly where they are in any second. People are awakening and understanding the problem of giving too much power to the government when it comes to our privacy."
It's likely that Israelis who were not within 2 meters (6 feet) of distance from a virus carrier will still be identified for quarantine. Sharon Perry, a cellular tracing expert, said the GPS technology of civilian mobiles can pinpoint a person's location only within 5 to 6 meters' accuracy if the cellphone is outdoors, or 10 to 20 meters if the phone is indoors. But he argued the breach of privacy was justified.
"In any case that someone can trace your route and location you should be concerned, but I guess that when you have a global pandemic happening in the world, there is a kind of justification for this move," Perry said.
Alon Hazay, a cybersecurity expert who used to do work for a national cyberdefense initiative connected to Shin Bet intelligence, said the trove of cellphone location data could get into the hands of hackers, private investigators or criminal organizations. "When the data is out there then other parties can try to take advantage and misuse this information, and create a huge problem for privacy of the citizens of Israel," Hazay said.
Anti-Netanyahu lawmakers — who are a slim majority in parliament following this month's election — accuse caretaker Prime Minister Netanyahu of exploiting the coronavirus to barricade himself in office, harming Israel's democratic institutions.
Netanyahu faces charges of bribery and fraud and his trial was supposed to start this week. But his justice minister closed down the courts, leading judges to postpone the trial.
Netanyahu said he requires maximum oversight for the surveillance program to protect Israelis' private data.
"While I'm fighting the coronavirus war to save Israeli lives, giving my soul day and night, the opposition is trying to topple the prime minister who is navigating the boat during the corona storm," he said in an interview to Channel 12 TV.
As said, the evil ones have been corrupting society for a long time, implanting anti-Torah messages in media, entertainment, and schoolbooks. And so it turns out, they even have been conditioning children about microchips. A woman recently, shared a picture of her son's textbook. It says this:
Here's some more interesting material: a rare photo of Hitler and Herlind Kasner. Who is she? Well, she Angela Merkel's mother! Merkel is the German Chancellor who has been the driving force in infiltrating Europe with uneducated, poor, and violent immigrants from Africa and the Middle East, the people who have been ravaging Europe. You may have heard the news. Some speculate that Herlind is really Hitler's daughter.
Here's more. This is a Tweet today by a member of the British Parliament.
He's not the first to publicly reference the New World Order. US President George H.W. Bush did it on numerous occasions, including once on September 11, 1990. Yes 9/11. Bush was in the secret Yale University Skull and Bones Society and his father was a partner for a bank that funded the Nazis. He inserts the phrase into seemingly idealistic talk but malicious leaders always do that. Hitler also talked in high minded terms that sounded idealistic. (Source: And here: (
“What is at stake is more than one small country; it is a big idea: a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind–peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law. . .The end of the cold war has been a victory for all humanity. A year and a half ago, in Germany, I said that our goal was a Europe whole and free. Tonight, Germany is united. Europe has become whole and free, and America’s leadership was instrumental . . .The world can, therefore, seize this opportunity to fulfill the long-held promise of a new world order, where brutality will go unrewarded and aggression will meet collective resistance. . . .” (State of the Union, 29 January 1991)
“I wanted to speak . . . about the new world taking shape around us, about the prospects for a new world order now within our reach. . . . The new world order really is a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities. . . .” (Maxwell Air Force Base War College in Montgomery, Alabama on 13 April 1991)
“We have in this past year made great progress in ending the long era of conflict and cold war. We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order–a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful–and we will be–we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.’s founders. . . . “ (Announcement on 16 January 1991 of allied military action in the Persian Gulf)
“Clearly, no longer can a dictator count on East-West confrontation to stymie concerted United Nations action against aggression. A new partnership of nations has begun. We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective–a new world order–can emerge: a new era–freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony. A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we’ve known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle. A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak[!]. This is the vision that I shared with President Gorbachev in Helsinki. He and other leaders from Europe, the Gulf, and around the world understand that how we manage this crisis today could shape the future for generations to come. The test we face is great, and so are the stakes. This is the first assault on the new world that we seek, the first test of our mettle. Had we not responded to this first provocation with clarity of purpose, if we do not continue to demonstrate our determination, it would be a signal to actual and potential despots around the world. . .Once again, Americans have stepped forward . . . At this very moment, they serve together with Arabs, Europeans, Asians, and Africans in defense of principle and the dream of a new world order. . . . (Address before a joint session of Congress on 11 September 1990)
“Ours is a generation to finally see the emergence of promising, exciting new world order which we’ve sought for generations. And we are witness to the first demonstration of this new partnership for peace: a united world response to Iraq’s aggressive ambition. . . .” (Fundraiser for gubernatorial candidate Pete Wilson in San Francisco on 19 September 1990)
It’s a bit much, don’t you think? Still laughing at the conspiracy theorists? I'm not laughing. As I mentioned, Hitler also talked in flowery language that attempted to portray idealism. He did this right to the end in his farewell letter in the bunker:
“More than thirty years have now passed since I in 1914 made my modest contribution as a volunteer in the first world war that was forced upon the Reich. In these three decades I have been actuated solely by love and loyalty to my people in all my thoughts, acts, and life. They gave me the strength to make the most difficult decisions which have ever confronted mortal man. I have spent my time, my working strength, and my health in these three decades.”
He said further that World War II “will go down one day in history as the most glorious and valiant demonstration of a nation's life purpose” and “I die with a happy heart, aware of the immeasurable deeds and achievements of our soldiers at the front, our women at home, the achievements of our farmers and workers and the work, unique in history, of our youth who bear my name.”
How these demagogues have the capacity to deceive!